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Water Specialists, Inc
3820 Lucius McKelvey
Temple, TX 76504

You are vistor no. 4721
Water Specialists, Inc.
      Your Central Texas Culligan® Dealer.

What we do:

We clean up water. We make it soft. We make it pure. We take out the nasty smells,
we remove minerals that cause spotting, and we even give your skin a break from the
harsh realities of tap water.

What is soft water?

Fresh rain is soft water, it hasn't yet sifted through the soil, absorbed minerals from the
earth, and become hard. A water softener in your home reverses those steps and gives
you all the benefits of cleanier, fresher water.

The benefits of soft water:

Hey Culligan Man!

Pick up the phone and call us at 254-773-5822 and say, "Hey Culligan Man!"

Serving Central Texas