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Water Specialists, Inc
3820 Lucius McKelvey
Temple, TX 76504

Water Links

Water Quality Association
The Water Quality Association (WQA) is a not-for-profit international trade association representing the residential, commercial, industrial, and small community water treatment industry. WQA maintains a close dialogue with other organizations representing different aspects of the water industry in order to best serve consumers, government officials, and industry members.

Texas Water Quality Association
TWQA strongly believes in the value of education in the water conditioning and purification field to prepare the water treatment specialist to effectively help the consumer choose the best solution for their particular water problem, maintain it over time so that it performs as specified, and assure that companies and their employees achieve the highest level of professionalism in this increasingly demanding field.

Culligan - National Web Page

City of Temple Water Department

City of Waco - Water Utility Services

City of Killeen - Water and Sewer Department

City of Harker Heights - Water and Utility Services

City of Belton